Sunday, 10 May 2009

Here are the pictures of my engagement/wedding ring. The top one is the front, I have included 2 diamonds from my engagement ring and gold from that ring and my wedding ring and a peridot stones. I made the settings myself as the stones were funny sizes. It's really hard to do anything with gold from old jewellery unless you have the tools to melt it down and refine it yourself. I chopped the gold up into little pieces in different sizes. I then melted the gold so that it made little balls which I then hammered flat. I made a silver ring base by making a rectangle band ring and 2 round wire rings which I soldered together. I then soldered the gold shapes on. It was a challenge to do. With my usual work I only really use easy and medium solder as I don't solder many pieces together, this needed hard, medium and easy aswell as gold solder. When all of the soldering was done I filed the band so that gold and silver bits were level and smooth. I added the settings, set the stones and polished. To add a bit extra I gently hammered the sides of the ring.

I really enjoyed making the ring but it was a huge challenge. It's not something I think I would do for someone else as the rings involved are very precious! The settings were particularly hard. Soldering them onto the ring was difficult as I didn't have an even surface to work with due the gaps in the gold shapes. I used 9ct god to make the settings and I found it to be a bit hard when setting so I would probably go for 18ct gold if I were to make gold settings again.

I had a bit of gold left and 2 of the stones so I've made myself a necklace to match. I have one stone left so I thought I'd keep it and if I ever have a daughter I could make something for her with it!

Hope you like it!

Hope you like them!